I am going to help this event with taking photos because of my ties with event participants.
There is an organization called Onagawa Processed Marine Products Study Association in which Onagawa’s young people who are engaged in the marine products industry participate. Their activities include the development of Onagawa-exclusive products, promotion of Onagawa processed marine products, participation in the town events and holding of study sessions on distribution and marketing of the products.
The booth was appealing and sending an aspiring message that Onagawa has been invigorated nowadays even though it was damaged by the tsunami. It was saying that more products will be brought to the Expo next year.
These young men and women are dedicating themselves to recover the Onagawa’s fisheries without being discouraged by adversity. The factories and processing machines were all washed away by the tsunami and they had to start from scratch. They want to start the rebuilding right away, but the construction permits to the lowlands are not granted. If the reconstruction does not take place quickly, the population will leave. Then employment cannot be secured. Furthermore, the scope of radiactive contamination and its seriousness are unknown. There are many facing issues like these.
Back in June, I met a person who is a member of Onagawa Processed Marine Products Study Association. I wanted to know more about my hometown. Eighty percent of Onagawa’s population (including their families) is engaged in fisheries, so without fisheries it is difficult to make a living. These people all lost their families, relatives and friends to the tsunami and their houses and factories were washed away. What I like about these members is that they have a vision to recover the entire town and Sanriku area’s fisheries, not just their factories under these circumstances. They consider what they must do based on their vision and act upon it. They are in the close generation as mine, so I am glad that I can exchange various opinions with them. I would like to extend my cheers and support to them into the future as much as possible.
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